- Provision of scientific, consulting, expert, and other services related to traffic safety and railway accident prevention for organizations, enterprises, institutions, and individuals;
- Collection and summarization of research results in the field of activity of the research laboratory;
- Conducting scientific and practical seminars;
- Participation in organizing scientific and practical conferences in the laboratory's field of activity;
- Publication of key research results in scientific and professional journals;
- Development of software, new materials, and technologies;
- Acquisition and maintenance of instruments, equipment, and materials for research and experimental design work;
- Metrological certification and verification of measuring instruments;
- Promotion of research through the initiation and organization of scientific forums, conferences, seminars, exhibitions; participation in similar events organized by other scientific institutions; publication in professional scientific journals; dissemination of achievements in mass media, etc.;
- Initiation and preparation of cooperation agreements with higher education institutions, research institutes of various subordination in Ukraine, and scientific institutions in other countries in the field of railway transport;
- Initiation and development of business proposals, creation of structures with other organizations for the practical implementation of research results; establishment of business contacts with potential consumers of scientific and technical products developed by the laboratory;
- Creation and commercialization of scientific and technical products, equipment samples, devices, new technologies, small-scale production of technical and household items, etc.
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