Project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module QMSEEI

In 2022, the МIT department won an international educational project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module, funded by the European Union.

Project name: European Experience in Implementing Quality Management Systems for Products and Services (Європейський досвід впровадження систем управління якістю продукції та послуг)

Project: 101085516 — QMSEEI — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH

Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency

TERM OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT: 36 months (from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2025)

The goal of the project is to promote the European idea and the spread of European studies in Europe and Ukraine


The official opening of the project took place in November 16, 2023.

Andrii Pavliv, Head of Lviv Investment and Projects Office, Lviv City Council, Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic, Mykola Mykyichuk, Director of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, Tetiana Bubela, Head of the Department of Measuring Information Technologies and Alla Ivanyshyn - coordinator and project manager - Associate Professor of the Department of Measuring Information Technologies, greeted the participants and wished the successful implementation of all planned activities.

Відкриття проєкту Відкриття проєкту Відкриття проєкту

The official opening of the project

Training 1

Certain activities are planned and implemented within the project.

The first of a series of three planned trainings was held. The topic of the training is "European experience in implementing quality management systems for products and services." The event took place over two days in a mixed format (offline and online). About 70 people registered to participate.

Its target audience is representatives of enterprises, organizations, and institutions of higher education who are interested in quality management issues in various industries, that is, both service providers and those who produce products, since the international European standards discussed are universal for all industries. For more details -



VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality Management in Education and Industry: Experience, Problems and Prospects"

As part of the project, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality Management in Education and Industry: Experience, Problems and Prospects" was held on November 16-17, 2023 at Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine).

The conference was organized to encourage the dialogue between the academic world and society, raising the level public awareness of European integration, dissemination of knowledge about European integration processes, activation of scientific and theoretical discussions and public debates, dissemination of experience and best practices of European countries with respect to the development and implementation of quality management systems for products and services, development of international scientific cooperation, exchange of experience and knowledge, definition main tasks and trends in solving quality management problems in education and industry.

The conference was held in a mixed format (offline at the Lviv Polytechnic and online using Microsoft Teams).

There were accepted 171 papers from 322 authors from various educational, scientific institutions and organizations, both in Ukraine and abroad (Poland, Switzerland, India, USA).

In total, participants from 96 different organizations, including: 75 institutions of higher education and 21 companies and enterprises.

Reports were presented at the plenary and two sectional sessions:

Section 1. European experience of implementing quality management systems for products and services in education and industry;

Section 2. Information and measurement technologies, standardization, certification, quality management in education and industry

The conference Proceedings contain the set of papers presented at the conference:

To provide feedback after the end of the conference, a survey related to the event, the necessity and usefulness of sharing European experience in the field of product and service quality management was carried out.

The participants highly appreciated the organization of the conference, and also expressed their interest in studying the European experience in the filed of quality management of products and services.

More details on the conference website:

Project website:

Facebook: Qmseei


Конференція Конференція Конференція Конференція Конференція Конференція Конференція

Training 2

On March 14–15, 2024, the training "Study of the European experience in the implementation of quality management systems for educational services" was held at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. The event was held as part of an international educational project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module 101085516 — QMSEEI — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH "European Experience in Implementing Quality Management Systems for Products and Services".

The training was conducted both offline at Lviv Polytechnic National University and online by the means of Microsoft Teams. The purpose of the training was to disseminate knowledge about the EU to the general public, to bridge the gap between the EU and the public, and to acquaint participants with the European experience in implementing and certifying quality management systems (QMS) for educational services. Additionally, the training aimed to inform and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience regarding the application of international and European principles and quality management tools in higher education institutions.

The training was attended by representatives from the Department of Education of the Lviv City Council, along with representatives from various educational institutions, scientific organizations, and non-formal education sectors.

Over the course of two days, 10 reports were delivered by experienced specialists from various institutions, including Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytskyi, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv, Personnel Certification Body of the Ukrainian Association for Quality (Kyiv), Bureau Veritas Certification Ukraine LLC (Kyiv), State Enterprise «Scientific-research Institute for Metrology of Measurement and Control Systems» (Lviv), Leoni Wiring Systems (Stryi), and Webskill Programming School (Lviv).

274 people from 95 educational and scientific organizations of Ukraine registered for the training.

Participants were invited to complete a survey to provide feedback on the organization and execution of the training. We received 148 responses, and the results indicate that respondents found the training to be relevant, meaningful, and useful. Additionally, they expressed satisfaction with the high standard of the event. Furthermore, there is a strong recommendation to continue hosting similar events in the future, alongside hopes for continued cooperation and exchange of experiences.


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Training 2

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Project website
Facebook: Qmseei


Оновлено 11 months тому