About the project

Applicant: Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Physical, Analytical and General Chemistry (PAGC), Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (ICCT) (Lviv, Ukraine)

Project Title: Mitigation of climate change through advanced phytotechnology for military lands (MilClimATech)

Project ID: G6094

Goals of the project: Ecological regeneration of former military sites as well as mitigation of climate change through the implementation of advanced phytotechnology Miscanthus×giganteus (M×g) over a multi-year period on complex contaminated military lands in Ukraine with the physical and chemical transformation of biomass waste and ensuring valorization of the by-product.

To test biofuels from M×g produced from biomass waste by pyrolysis using advanced M×g phytotechnology applied on mixed contaminated military land.

To test ash from M×g biomass gasification as a soil additive in the M×g production cycle.

Modelling the pathways of syngas and biomass oil production, as well as valorization of biomass contaminated with trace elements.

To verify rhizosphere interactions and factors of influence that determine phytotechnology.

To illustrate the effect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions when using advanced phytotechnologies on mixed contaminated military lands, supplemented with by-products.

To evaluate the sustainability of advanced phytotechnologies, including the cost-effectiveness of biomass production systems and related climate change mitigation effects, based on selected indicators.

Strengthen training on climate changes and the circular economy.

Transfer information on innovative advanced phytotechnologies to end users and share knowledge between NATO and partner countries.

Project implementation period: 27/09/2023 – 26/09/2026

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