List of Performed Works

List of performed works

  1. Development of the system of magnetic monitoring is a high-precision multifunctional means for measuring magnetic fields. With the account of its aggregate functional characteristics it meets the demands of the so-called intellectual sensor systems.
    Technical characteristics:
    • Accuracy of measuring magnetic field induction is 0.1-0.3 %;
    • Accuracy of measuring test field induction ΔB= 5·10-3 Т — 0,1 %;
    • Measuring in extreme conditions:
    • Strong magnetic field — 5 TL;
    • Wide temperature range — 4.2 — 400 K;
    • Hard radiation exposure (fluences of rapid neutrons) —1014 — 1016 n·cm-2.
    • Automatic correction of measuring circle transformation characteristics in the process of exploitation based on the results of self-diagnostics.
  2. Development of the device allows to measure three projections of magnetic field induction vector BX, BY, BZ and temperature. It is characterized by small geometric dimensions of the magnetic probe sensitive zone (0.3×0.3×0.3 mm3) and minimum distance between the measuring probe sensitive zone and the surface under study (0.02 mm). Ranges of the measured magnetic field are (1÷2000) mT; ranges of temperature measurements are from −30°С to + 100°С. Measuring accuracy of three components of magnetic field induction BX, BY, BZ is 0.1 mT; accuracy of temperature measurements is 0.1°С.
  3. Development of the pocket magnetic field indicator allows to determine threshold values of magnetic field induction — 0.3 mT, 0.6 mT, 1.0 mT, 2.0 mT and direction of the field; indication is done with two-color (red and green) light-emitting diodes.
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