Specific project objectives

To gain the General Objective, the project will implement the following Specific Objectives (SOs):

SO 1: To collect in one informational hub, communicate to respective target groups, organize dissemination and management of the information in the field of mercury contamination, reduction of mercury usage and implementation of the EU mercury legislation and Minamata Convention in the scope connected with the Hg contaminations caused by the household goods and activities.

SO 2: To facilitate knowledge sharing on successful environmental solutions and practice in the field of mercury contamination by developing the cooperation network and the platform for collecting, processing and sharing information and conducting informational campaigns and training.

SO 3: To advance the informational awareness about the rules and demand of mercury-containing household goods use, storage and disposal of consumers by organizing the wide informational and educational campaign with parts tailored to different target groups.

SO 4: To raise a mutual confidence of different stakeholders in the life cycle of the mercury-containing household goods by multi-stakeholder confidence building and joint multi-stakeholder search for the problem solution - preparation of a Multi-Stakeholder Roadmap for Mercury-Free City, as well as creation of the Mercury-Free City Communities.

SO 5: To achieve consumers’ of mercury-containing household goods behaviour change via behaviour change activities applying Behavioural Insights levers.

SO 6: To ensure credible replication and transfer of the project results by application of the Mutual Learning Exercise methodology and a dissemination campaign.

SO 7: To achieve sustainability and exploitation of the project results due to institutionalization of LIFE e-Hub and the Mercury-Free City Communities.

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