The main activities of the Center for Italian-Ukrainian Cooperation

  • to organize cultural events in various fields: art, music, cinema, theater, photography, literature and food;
  • to conclude agreements with partner universities;
  • to run Italian language courses at different levels;
  • to organize CELI exams (as well as for teens), CIC and CILS.
  • to offer subscription services for the library (books of various types: classical and contemporary literature, economics, politics, religion, psychology, art albums, geography, books for children, magazines and newspapers) and multimedia library (videotapes and audiotapes, DVDs of Italian films, compact discs of classical and contemporary Italian music);
  • to cooperate with other cultural institutions (cultural centers, theaters, opera, cinema, museums and libraries) to offer a wide range of activities and promote intercultural dialogue;
  • to organize language and culture courses;
  • to carry news;
  • to award prizes for contribution to Italian culture in all disciplines;
  • to establish partnership with Italian National Commission for UNESCO and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;
  • to create a portal of the Italian language;
  • to create an Italian library;
  • to cooperation with ENIT (Italian Government Tourist Board);
  • to collaborate with ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net), running online courses of Italian language and Culture for Foreigners;
  • to organize cultural exchange with schools and universities;
  • to organize summer schools;
  • to cooperate with the Dante Alighieri Society;
  • to create at least 100 cultural and linguistic events in all disciplines (music, theater, literature, cinema, language, art, architecture, design, fashion, etc.);
  • to organize events for the Week of the Italian Language in the World;
  • to organize the month of Italian cinema;
  • to create a literary (annual) book club;
  • to organize concerts of Italian classical music;
  • to organize concerts of Italian jazz music;
  • to organize Italian theatrical performances;
  • to organize creative workshops and master classes;
  • to organize food and wine festivals;
  • to conclude agreements with partner universities;
  • to organize industry conferences;
  • to create and manage social networking services (FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).
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