Hydraulics and Sanitary Engineering Department History

The origins of Hydraulics and Sanitary Engineering Department reach the XX century when the subject “Water and Road Construction” was taught for engineer school from 1873 to 1874. In 1924 were esteblished the Water Construction Department I, Water Construction II and Water Construction III at the Communication Department.

In 1944, after the University reorganization was opened general institutional Department of Hydraulics. On the 14th of April the Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Departments were merged into the Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines. The Department was headed by:

  • 1945–1951 — Assoc.Prof. Sergiy Kursin;
  • 1951–1952 — Assoc.Prof. Yevgen Shelepin;
  • 1952–1953 — Sc.D. Vasyl Lyskov;
  • 1953–1970 — Ph.D. Oleksiy Bazylevych.

Over the past decades the HS Dpartment was headed by famous Ukrainian scientists:

  • 1970-1982 — Assoc. Prof. Levytskyi B;
  • 1982-1987 — Assoc. Prof. Leshchiy N;
  • 1987-1992 — Prof. Molchanov A; 1992-1993 — Prof. Shnerh S;
  • 1993-2001 — Sc.D. Chernyuk V;
  • 2001-2010 — Assoc.Prof. Zhuk V;
  • since 2010 — Sc.D., Assoc. Prof. Chernyuk V.

Since 1960 to 1961 the Department of Hydraulics was subjected to Engineering Building Department. Then was opened the Water supply and sewerage system major. Finally, on the 16th of April in 1964 the Department of Hidraulics was renamed into the Department of Hidraulics and Sanitary Engineering(HS). Under this name the Department functions nowadays.

The first graduates of Water supply and water disposal major was held in 1966. From 1974 to 1985 the annual contingent(on stationary and postal tuition educational forms) exceeded 500. Since 2004, the Department qualifies Bachelors in 6.060103 Hydraulic Engineering (water resources) degree program as well as specialists of educational qualificational level of Specialist and Master in the degree programs: 7.06010108, 8.06010108 Water supply and water disposal in the field 060101 Building, which is under license of Ministry of Science, Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated 22.11.2011,the AG № 582577. Since 2004 the Department qualifies Specialists in Water supply and water disposal major based on the junior specialist education through the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

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