Project Objectives

  1. Excellence in teaching and research by bringing together experienced qualified professionals from several fields of education and the use of innovative technologies.
  2. Dialogue between the scientific world and society through a series of events, namely training and public lectures, exchange of knowledge and experience during round tables with representatives of science, business, and government.
  3. Knowledge and ideas to support EU policy-making through the dissemination in all presentations and printed materials of information about the EU, priorities, values, and programs of Jean Monnet and Erasmus.
  4. Promoting EU values through teaching green business ideas to students, accessibility through inclusive education, dissemination of GxP standards to the general public.
  5. Implementation of the European Green Deal in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which is presented in our project as an improvement in reverse distribution for pharmacies regarding the proper disposal of drugs to eliminate environmental pollution.
  6. The implementation of European Digitalization Program is implemented in the project by studying the experience of the pharmaceutical industry, which is ahead of other parts of the drug supply chain, given that most pharmaceutical manufacturers have GMP certificates and their regulatory framework is harmonized according to EU standards. Also, through the project, target audiences will gain experience in creating digital technologies that will allow people with disabilities to find jobs in enterprises. Apply new digital approaches to learning within the framework of strengthening European digital sovereignty and setting European standards.
  7. The European priority "Economy that works for people" will be implemented in terms of employing people with disabilities, as well as training pharmacy workers to serve visitors with disabilities.
  8. Implementation of the program "Stronger Europe in the World" through the distribution of medicines and pharmaceutical supply chains by studying European approaches.
  9. The European priority "Promoting the European way of life" is being implemented in the project, affecting healthcare, responding to health crises, improving the quality of life of patients and preventing diseases (including cancer). The development of innovative training programs focused on the needs of the market will improve youth and adult training programs, promote mobility, education for people with disabilities, as well as protection of rights and expansion of consumer rights.


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