XXV Jubilee International Scientific and Technical Conference «Geoforum – 2020»

учасники конференції «Геофорум – 2020»

Western Geodetic Society of the Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography invites you to take part in the XXV Jubilee International Scientific and Technical Conference «Geoforum – 2020», which will be held from September 2 to 4, 2020 at Lviv Polytechnic National University and Valentyna hotel in Briukhovychi.

Conference topics:

  • education in geodesy, cartograpy and land management;
  • perspectives for development of topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities in Ukraine;
  • studying the figure and external gravity field of the Earth using ground methods and their combination with satellite methods, space monitoring of the Earth;
  • introducing a new system of coordinates USC-2000 in Ukraine;
  • prospects for development and utilization of GNSS and creation of active reference networks;
  • modern development trends in cartography and cartographic production and digital photogrammetry, modern geodetic photogrammetric instrument engineering;
  • automatization of engineering and geodetic or markscheider work;
  • modern technologies of laser scanning and UAV;
  • geodetic support for APP, TPP, bridges, tunnels, roads, railway, geodetic monitoring in building;
  • state of geodetic metrology and its current problems;
  • current land management and cadastre in Ukraine;
  • military navigation and GIS-technology;
  • new approaches to the creation of geodetic networks in big cities;
  • the problems of introducing the national infrastructure of geospatial data;
  • public branch societies and organizations activities.

Organizing Committee invites researchers, engineers, specialists, experts and businessmen to participate.