Webinar on Grant Opportunities for Polytechnicians in the Field of Ecology by Project Office

Заставка вебінару

The Project Office, Lviv Polytechnic National University, invites you to join the webinar on Grant Opportunities for Polytechnicians in the Field of Ecology.

The webinar will be held to support the implementation of the information project of Lviv Polytechnic «Environmental Polytechnic». Webinar participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the practical aspects of searching, writing and submitting project applications for environmental competitions.

The webinar will be conducted for those who want to write project proposals related to Ecology, Environmental Protection, Protection / Restoration of Ecosystems, Eco-Safety, etc. to obtain funding from national and international grant programs.

Webinar participants will learn about:

  • formation of an idea for a grant;
  • setting up grant search filters;
  • Ukrainian programs, competitions, initiatives in the field of Ecology;
  • international environmental grants and cooperation proposals;
  • project submission procedure (on the example of a program);
  • environmental projects: success stories; eco-innovations and eco-startups.

Speaker – Olena Lukachuk, Candidate of Historical Sciences, a leading specialist at the Project Office, Lviv Polytechnic.

  • Date: November 25, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
  • Venue: ZOOM platform

To get an opportunity to participate in the webinar for free, you must register.


Register and learn a lot of interesting information how to write project proposals and win grants in the field of Ecology!