«Veremia. Dances»: concert of the Polyphonia Chamber Orchestra at Lviv Polytechnic

Фрагмент афіші концерту

A concert «Veremia. Dances» by the Polyphonia Chamber Orchestra «Veremia» will be held in the Assembly Hall of the main building of Lviv Polytechnic National University on June 1, 2024.

  • Conductors: Roman Kreslenko and Sofiia Telekhovska
  • Concertmaster: Petro Titiaev

The concert starts at 18:00.

Invitations can be obtained for a donation of UAH 300 or more, paid immediately before the concert or through the registration form. As usual, all funds raised will be donated to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a follow-up report.

The musicians are looking forward to meeting their fans. Enjoy an evening filled with dancing tunes that inspire and excite!