Summer school «RoboMeM – 2024» for students of grades 8–10 of the city of Lviv and the region

Фрагмент афіші школи

On June 24–28, 2024, Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Lviv Regional Junior Academy of Sciences will hold the RoboMem Summer School (Robotics, Mechanics and 3D Modeling). Here you can learn more about the fascinating world of modern technology and find new friends to create projects in teams.

The summer school program includes:

  • 3D modeling systems in mechanical engineering;
  • robotics – Arduino robots;
  • studying the structure of materials with a microscope;
  • cars, electric cars;
  • excursion to robotic production;

as well as the implementation of the project «Research of micro-grinding properties, hardening and plating».

Students of grades 8–10 of general secondary education institutions of Lviv and the region are invited to participate in the event. Classes will be held offline.


The registration fee is 300 UAH.

Register and spend your summer with benefits!