Research Interdisciplinary Сoncilium «Community Health Clinic of Lviv Polytechnic in Action»

Дослідницький міждисциплінарний консиліум «Клініка здоров’я громади Львівської політехніки в дії»

As part of the XIII Ecumenical Social Week, the Research Interdisciplinary Сoncilium «Community Health Clinic of Lviv Polytechnic in Action» will take place on October 9, 2020, from 11:00 to 15:00.


  • Dr. Roman Korzh, DScTech., Vice-Rector for Education and Social Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Chairman of the Honorary Presidium, the International «Integration» Center for Professional Partnerships of Lviv Polytechnic, a member of the public organization «Sviatyi Yur» («St. George»);
  • Dr. Tetiana Shapovalova, project manager, «Retraining and social adaptation of servicepersons and members of their families in Ukraine. Integration of the model of the project «Norway – Ukraine» in the state system», Lviv Polytechnic National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Dr. Larysa Klymanska, Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work (2005–2019), Curator of the Research Platform «No Limits», Coordinator of International Projects, International «Integration» Center (since 2020), Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor;
  • Dr. Liliia Klos, Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work (since 2020), Head of the Consultation and Coordination Service «Community Health Clinic of Lviv Polytechnic», International «Integration» Center (2019–2020), pediatrician, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

The event will take place online. To get a link and join the event, you must register by 12:00 on October 6, 2020.