Roundtable discussion «The vector of values as the main direction of influence in involvement citizens in humanitarian aid in crisis situations»

Фрагмент афіші заходу

On November 03, at 11:00 (Kyiv time), a Roundtable discussion «The vector of values as the main direction of influence in involvement citizens in humanitarian aid in crisis situations» will be held at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The aim of the event is to analyze the values of Ukrainians and their influence on the involvement of citizens in humanitarian aid in crisis situations. The event will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss interesting topics related to the prevailing values of the world’s countries and learn more about the possibilities of their integration in the European Union.

In particular, the following speakers will share their expert opinion on the topic:

  • Olga Romanenko, PhD in Economics, State University of Trade and Economics;
  • Petro Baikovsky, PhD in Political Science, Ukrainian Catholic University;
  • Rihard Bunka, head of the Latvian Lawyers’ Association.

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