Round table «In AI We Trust. Can we trust artificial intelligence?» within the framework of the TrustAI project

Фрагмент афіші заходу

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence and the rapid spread of its application has led to a large number of questions, concerns, and challenges. There are questions about the ethics and transparency of AI usage, its reliability and bias, acceptable limits of AI application, and many others.

Today, many countries are introducing legislation to regulate the use of AI. In particular, in March 2024, the European Union adopted the AI Act, which aims to answer most of these questions.

The Department of Automated Control Systems, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, invites everyone interested in the ethical and reliable use of AI to join the roundtable discussion «In AI We Trust. Can we trust artificial intelligence?» The event is organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module Trustworthy artificial intelligence: the European approach № 101085626 – TrustAI – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH with the support of the European Commission. The participants of the roundtable will include experts from various fields: lawyers, futurists, IT specialists and scientists.

The event is held online on June 27, 2024. It starts at 14:00.

Pre-registration is required to participate in the round table.