Mykhailo Honchar’s public lecture «Energy policy of the EU and Ukraine in the conditions of Russian aggression»

Фрагмент афіші заходу

Mykhailo Honchar, President of the Center for Global Studies «Strategy XXI», will hold a public lecture on the topic «Energy Policy of the EU and Ukraine in the Conditions of Russian Aggression» on September 9, 2022. The event will take place within the framework of the project «European studies for students of technical specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University» (EUSTS) with the support of the EU Erasmus+ program directed by Jean Monnet.

The event is open for academics, students, postgraduate students, as well as everyone interested in the development of the EU, the European integration course of Ukraine, and energy security issues.

The lecture will be held online on the Zoom platform.

Beginning at 10:30.

The moderator of the event is Iryna Sukhorolska, a member of the EUSTS project.