Let’s go with EU_LEAD: opening of the EU_LEAD project of the Erasmus+ programme at Lviv Polytechnic

Фрагмент афіші заходу

The Let’s go with EU_LEAD event will take place as part of this year’s Erasmus Days on October 12, 2023. It is the opening of the project «EU Global Responsible Leadership: Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Humanitarian Aid» (EU_LEAD), which will be implemented at Lviv Polytechnic National University during 2023 – 2026 with the support of the Erasmus+ programme, Jean Monnet.

Among the invited participants there are:

  • Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University;
  • Pawel Wielgosz, Vice Rector for International Affairs, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;
  • Serhii Shkabko, state expert on European integration of the Directorate of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Petro Krainik, expert of the Jean Monnet Actions, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine;
  • Oksana Kraievska, Associate Professor at the Department of European and Regional Studies, the Faculty of International Relations, institutional coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
  • Nina Kyrylenko, leading specialist at the International Relations Department, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, coordinator of the INTEUAS, UAMigrEU and EUEPU project.

The peculiarities of the EU_LEAD project will be presented by its team members, namely:

  • Yaryna Turchyn – scientific consultant and academic coordinator of the EU_LEAD project, Director of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University;
  • Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk – a member of the EU_LEAD project, Professor at the Institute of Political Science, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;
  • Olha Ivasechko – participant of the EU_LEAD project, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Oleh Tsebenko – EU_LEAD project participant, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations;
  • Yulia Vaida – a master’s degree in International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, community manager of the Young European Ambassadors in Ukraine.

The event will take place online and is open to everyone who is interested in the European Union and the European integration process of Ukraine, as well as the development of European studies in higher education institutions. Beginning at 12:00.

The program of the event is in the file attached.

For more detailed information about EU_LEAD visit the project website within the Lviv Polytechnic Portal.