Lecture-discussion «WTO GPA: new export possibilities»

Лекція-дискусія «Угода СОТ про державні закупівлі»

A lecture-discussion «WTO GPA: new export possibilities» will be held in Lviv Polytechnic National University on April 26, 2017. Beginning – 11 am.

Students studying Economics and Law, PhD students, academics, lecturers, representatives of government as well as enterprises (organizations) and everyone interested in the subject a re welcome.

The venue of the event: 5 Mytropolyt Andrey, Lviv Polytechnic academic building 4, 4th floor, room 406.

  • What is the international market of government procurement like?
  • Will it welcome Ukrainian goods?
  • How can a Ukrainian exporter access foreign government tenders?

You will be able to speak about the first results of Ukraine’s joining WTO GPA for Ukrainian exporters and the possibilities in the field of government procurement at the international level with GPAinUA project experts of the Office for promoting export at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.


  • Taras Shymko – GPAinUA project manager, Office for promoting export at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine;
  • Anna Milenina – GPAinUA project expert, Office for promoting export at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

Admission is free on condition of prior registration.