The Department of Philosophy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Kazimierz Twardowski Philosophical Society of Lviv, invite you to the International Round Table « Kazimierz Twardowski and Modern Ethics», which will be held online on February 11, 2022.
The International Round Table will deal with such issues as:
- The origin of ethical categories.
- The concept of good and evil in modern ethics.
- Ethics is empirical or metaphysical.
- Ethical skepticism and relativism.
- The possibility of creating a scientific ethic, its objectives and subject.
- The concept of «independent ethics» in the Lviv-Warsaw school.
- Determinism and freedom in ethics. The concept of responsibility.
- Ethical dimensions of hedonism and the concept of happiness.
The deadline for abstracts submission is January 31, 2022.
More details are available in the call for papers.