Academic staff of the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and their colleagues from the Higher Technical School in Katowice will hold an annual traditional scientific practical seminar with an exhibition of art works within the international project «Meetings – Spotkania».
The project «Meetings» was launched in 2019 as a result of international cooperation between the Higher Technical School in Katowice and Lviv Polytechnic National University. However, this year it is special as it is held in a time when all inhabitants of the planet Earth are being tested for resilience, endurance and confidence in the future, because of a long quarantine caused by the outbreak of the virus unknown to us.
This year’s exhibitions of art works by artists, architects and designers were planned as part of training seminars for students. The organizers hope that everything will be realized. After all, new artistic techniques, special experience in creating artistic images and spatial modeling are important topics for discussion and cognition.
- The first stage is the opening of an exhibition of art works by Polish colleagues in the Architect House «Powder Tower» (without the personal participation of Poles) will begin on July 1, 2020 at 12:00. Quarantine restrictions and social distancing measures will be preserved.
- On July 2, a scientific practical seminar on «Trends in modern design and architecture: Ukraine and Poland» will start at 17:00.
- The second stage – the opening of the exhibition and scientific practical seminar – is scheduled for November 5, 2020 in Katowice in the Gallery of the Higher Technical School.