9th Ukrainian-Polish Forum «Responsible Global Leadership of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities»

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The Organising Committee invites you to participate in the 9th Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum, which will be held online on 15–16 May 2025. The event is organised by the Institute of Political Science, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, and the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.

This year’s Forum is dedicated to the topic «Responsible Global Leadership of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities». At the discussion panels, participants will discuss the components of effective EU leadership in the political, economic, social and environmental dimensions. Another important aspect will be the development of recommendations to support Ukraine’s integration into the European Union.

Scholars, representatives of state and local authorities, civil society, as well as students and postgraduates who are interested in researching the challenges of responsible EU leadership, integration processes and international cooperation are invited to participate.

The Forum will be held within the framework of the EU Global Responsible Leadership: Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Humanitarian Aid (EU_LEAD) project with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program.

Registration form

The registration deadline is 1 May 2025.

For more details, please see the Forum’s call for papers.

Forum’s call for papers