The Department of Business Economics and Investments, the Institute of Economics and Management, invites you to take part in the 6th International Scientific and Practical of Young Scientists «Innovative and Investment Development of Business in Conditions of Economic Disturbances». The event will be held a hybrid format, both offline and online at Lviv Polytechnic National University on 27–28 March 2025.
Researchers, postgraduate students, lecturers and students (under the guidance of supervisors) of higher education and research institutions are invited to participate in the conference.
Thematic areas of the conference
- Digital transformation and business innovation.
- Socio-economic mechanisms of business development under conditions of uncertainty.
- Economic development of regions: intellect, society and innovation.
- Innovation and investment development of business: adaptation to global challenges.
To participate in the conference, you need to
- fill in the participant registration form;
- send abstracts to by 26 March 2025.
For more details, please see the conference call for papers.