4th All-Ukrainian Conference on the Actual Problems of Modern Science, Technology Development and Management

Заставка до конференції

The organizing committee invites you to take part in the 4th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference on the Actual Problems of Modern Science, Technology Development and Management, which will be held at the Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College, Lviv Polytechnic National University on November 23, 2023

Representatives of state authorities, enterprises, doctoral students, postgraduate students, researchers, teachers of vocational pre-higher and higher education institutions, students and all interested persons are invited to participate in the conference.

Thematic directions of the conference

  1. Enterprise economy and corporate management
  2. Economics and innovation management
  3. Machine building: state and development prospects
  4. The latest technologies in mechanical engineering
  5. Alternative sources of energy and their influence on the development of education and science
  6. Automation and mechanization of production processes
  7. Development of information technologies and their impact on society, science, education and business
  8. Road transport and infrastructure
  9. Trends in the development of vocational pre-higher education in Ukraine
  10. Practical training of professional junior bachelors in ensuring the defense capability of the country during martial law and in peacetime
  11. Modern vectors of development of socio-political relations in Ukraine
  12. Actualization and scientific approaches to the study of the Ukrainian language

The form of participation is offline and online.

To participate in the conference, you need to send an application and an electronic version of abstract to the email address of the organizing committee kafmenkhpc@ukr.net till November 22, 2023 (inclusive).

For more details, see the conference call for papers.