3rd International Conference on Professional Development of a Teacher in the Context of Integration into the European Educational Area

Заставка до конференції

The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Professional Development of a Teacher in the Context of Integration into the European Education Area: International Academic and Professional / Professional Pedagogical Mobility, which will be held at Lviv Polytechnic National University on September 27, 2024.

Scientists, postgraduate students, academics and students (under the guidance of supervisors) of higher education institutions and research institutions are invited to participate in the scientific meeting.

Main areas of work

  • Section 1: Professional development of teachers in the context of integration into the European education area: foreign and domestic experience.
  • Section 2: Professional mobility: theory and practice.
  • Section 3: Professional / professional pedagogical mobility of a teacher in the education system in wartime.
  • Section 4. International academic mobility of participants in the educational process in wartime: pedagogical, psychological, economic and legal aspects.

The conference will be organized in a hybrid format (depending on the situation).

To participate in the international scientific and practical conference, please, fill out the registration form by September 24, 2024, and send the materials of the report to the email address edu.conference25.05.2023@gmail.com.

For more details, please see the conference call for papers.