12th International Conference «Computer Sciences and Information Technologies» (CSIT 2017)

The Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies of Lviv Polytechnic National University is pleased to invite you to participate in the 12th International Scientific Technical Conference «Computer Sciences and Information Technologies» (CSIT 2017).

The Conference, which will take place on September 5–8, 2017, in Lviv Polytechnic, is aimed at discussing modern tendencies in the field of Computer Sciences, Information Technologies, Applied Linguistics and other related branches.

Conference organizers and partners:

  • Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
  • Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Computer Sciences faculty
  • Technical University of Łódź (Poland)
  • IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter

The Conference will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Main Conference topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Information modeling of database and knowledge systems
  • Big data and cloud computing
  • Intelligence-management technologies
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Project Management
  • Software Engineering
  • IT education

Applications submission deadline – March 20, 2017.

Organizing committee contact information:

Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies,
28 St. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
tel./fax: +38 (032) 258 23 91; +38 (032) 258 24 04,
e-mail: csit.conference@gmail.com,
website: http://science.lp.edu.ua/csit.