Research at the Department

Fields of scientific research: modeling, analysis, synthesis and optimization of power and power supply systems and their management intellect control.

The scientific activity of the department includes:

  • Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic processes in transmission lines and power transformers taking into account their distributed parameters;
  • Development of methods intended for small signal and transient stability analysis in power systems. The “DAKAR ELEKS” complex;
  • Development of methods, models to analyze processes in electrical networks, and their protection and automation systems. Program software “RE”;
  • Ferroresonant and switching processes in electrical networks, electrical equipment operating conditions, electrical insulation diagnosis;
  • Registering and recording of digital signals of analog and binary signals of electrical installations for any voltage class in normal and fault conditions.Control of the isolation of the connection and the formation of a signal to disable the accidental attachment of the bus section after a single-phase ground fault. Digital device “ALTRA”
  • Methods and means of normalization of electric power quality in electric networks. Methods of analysis and optimization of electric networks modes with objects of distributed generation and nonconventional loads;
  • Setup and verification of relay protection and automated control devices. Software for the test bench “RZA-Tester”;
  • Automated system of operational personnel training of power generating units;
  • Modeling of AC-DC power systems;
  • Improving of reliability supply for consumers of power plants auxiliaries.
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