Engineering Geodesy Department History

The Engineering Geodesy Department was established in 1952 by faculty of the Department of Astronomical Geodesy. The Associate Professor Zavodovskyi O. was appointed as the Head of the Department. Senior lecturers Gorin A., Kibalnykov V., Lavrov G., Makar O., Monin I., Sumarokov O., Chalyuk T. and assistants Novoselska V. and Pankratiev R., Stselnikov V. were the first lecturers of the Department. They conducted the training of engineers in Engineering Geodesy and since 1956 in Aerial Photo-geodesy.

In 1962 the Department was headed by Associate Professor Monin I. In 1963 the Department of Aerial Photo-geodesy was separated from the Department of Engineering Geodesy headed by the Associate Professor Pankratiev R. The part of lecturers joined the new Department with the rest 10 lecturers and 2 laboratory assistant staying at the Department of Engineering Geodesy.

The great demand for engineers in the field of Engineering Geodesy was the reason for rapid increase of the number of students and lecturers at the Department. It was time when the lectures Dzuman B., Kvasniuk B., Kornytskyi Yu., Kostetska Ya., Miroshnyk Yu., Plahotnyi S., Puzanov S., Khodakov V. started working at the Department.

The Department has always cooperated with the leading geodetic organizations and industrial enterprises, carried out highly accurate engineering geodetic tasks. In the 60s and 70s the staff of the Department directly took part in conducting highly accurate leveling works in Carpathians. The observing of the various engineering structures deformations were also performed.

The Department staff has been actively engaged in the researches. The major of the staff investigated the environment impact on geodetic measurements. The scientific expeditions have been organized for experimental studies every year. Moreover the research of geodetic networks accuracy which had been developed by various methods was done. The Head of the Department professor Monin I. had significant achievements in the theory of the Earth figure.

The Department paid much attention to educational and methodical work as well as to high-quality specialists training. In 1957 for the educational practices and scientific studies the building of the geodesic proving ground on the outskirts of the town Sudova Vyshnia was started. In 1966 the training ground in the town Berezhany (Ternopil region) was created under the supervision of Chaliuka T., the Geodetic Faculty Dean, Asosiate Professor of engineering geodesy. A few years later the hall of residence and dining room for students doing educational training were built. Lecturers together with students created a network of triangulation and leveling near the town Berezhany.

Since 1974 the number of the Department lecturers has drastically increased. At the beginning of 1983 the faculty consisted of 23 lecturers. The lecturers Arkhangelskyi V., Vilenskyi O., Volosetskyi B., Goncharov O., Daineka Yu. , Ilkiv R., Koval P., Kolos A., Lisovets O., Nikiforov V., Sazhyn V., Skryl V., Sologor I. began to work at the Department. Since 1985 the Associate Professor Tartachynskyi R. has headed the Department. He paid great attention to the material basis of training, research laboratories organization as well as reconstructuring of the specialists training curricula. The Department staff was expanded by Oliiar M., Petrov M., Khomiak V., Khropot S., Tserklevych A.

In 1994 Perovych L. became the head of the Department. On his initiative the Department opened a new major System of Land Tenure and Cadastre and specializations Estimation of Land and Real Estate, Land and Property Relations, Areas Management. New lecturers in these fields joined the staff. In 1998 the Department was given a new name Engineering Geodesy and Cadastre.

In 2002 the Department of Areas Cadastre was separated from the Department of Engineering Geodesy and the former name of the Department was restored. The Department was headed by professor Kostetska Ya. As a result of Lviv Polytechnic National University starting specialists training of different degrees — the Department graduates specialists and masters in Geodesy.

The Department paid great attention to the improvement of educational and methodical work and high-quality specialists training. The research laboratory that uses GPS-technologies in geodesy operates at the Department and performs different highly precise engineering-geodetic works with the help of latest technologies as well as geodetic works for land inventory.

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