The aim of the project is to increase the work motivation of VET components by developing innovative teaching&training methodologies and approaches in the field of VET with an innovative digital training set for increasing professional knowledge and experience by using up-to-date ICT, thereby increasing the work motivation of VET components, thus positively orientating themselves in a professional sense and providing added value to the EU and Turkish economy by increasing the attractiveness of VETby gained skills.
Specific objectives:
- Two e-RES Project Monitoring/Follow-up meetings (RIT) organised by KSU and ECTE in Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye and Greece with the participation of 32+ staff in the VET sector.
- Organisation of 8 e-RES Multiplier Effect Meetings (RCT) to be held by each partner institution in their countries with a total of 240+160 VET participants.
- e-RES Training Activity with the participation of 24+VET staff in Slovenia by ZIK.
Expected results:
- Gamification of learning, simulations and digital storytelling modules and Entrepreneurship Toolkit Module,
- Creation of an easily accessible and broad spectrum Work Based Learning (WBL) Module and ECVET Module,
- Creating a practical and easily applicable Web 2.0 tools Module and a Smartphone Application as a downloadable version of the modules.