Student Research Activity

Our Сhair engages students in scientific research within the limits of time given for study of philosophy during one semester. Students who have completed the philosophy course are sometimes engaged in  scientific research too.

The 2nd and the 3rd year students have an opportunity to take part in Student Annual Scientific and Practical Conference organized by the Chair of Philosophy. Except this conference the students can take part in philosophical workshop, and some regularly organized events by the Chair of Philosophy:

  • Interdisciplinary Conference “On the Way of the Synthesis of Philosophy, Science, and Religion”
  • Readings in the Memory of Kazimierz Twardowski, the founder of the Lviv-Warsaw philosophy school;
  • Round tables with the memorial themes or discussion subjects suitable for researches of the chair;

The students and the postgraduates have opportunity to publish their scientific articles in the journals “Humanitarian Vision” and “Philosophical Researches”

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