Contacts for International Applicants

Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens

Director: Ph.D., Assoc.Prof., Motornyi Andrii

2/4 Karpinsky str., Building 1, Room 313


Phone number(s): (032) 258-27-41, (032) 258-27-53, (032) 255-02-51

The Preparatory Department provides training for foreign citizens for further entry into technical, medical, and economic higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the Ukrainian or English language. Those persons who succeed in studies at the Preparatory Department receive appropriate certificates.

Department for Foreign Students

Head of Department: Serhii Kupchak

Address: 12 Bandera St., Main building, Room 345


Phone number(s): (032) 258-26-10

The Department is subordinated to the Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations. The Department carries out the following functions: preparation and submission of admission orders for foreign students and theirexclusion; registration and visa services for foreign students and trainees, and other foreign citizens coming for a long time in Ukraine at the invitation of the Lviv Polytechnic; preparation of report documents and relevant information on request of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, border and customs sites of Ukraine, Lviv regional state administration, embassies and other organizations in Ukraine and abroad (including information on graduates of past years both citizens of other states and citizens of Ukraine, who are abroad); organization of preparation and monitoring of education documents issued by the Lviv Polytechnic for foreign students who are studying or graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic, or who are transferred to other educational institutions or excluded from the University; legalization of graduation documents of foreign students at consular Department of MFA of Ukraine and apostilization in Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; assistance and providing of appropriate information for embassies and consulates abroad about staying and education of their citizens in Lviv Polytechnic.

Center for International Education

Head of Center for International Education: DScTech., Prof. Nataliya Hots

12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 301a


Phone number(s): (032) 258-27-27

Center for International Education was established in 2015 at Lviv Polytechnic National University by the decision of the Academic Council and the order of the Rector of the University. The work of the Center is aimed at solving the following tasks: expanding the participation of polytechnics in international academic exchange programs; establishing educational, scientific, political and economic international cooperation; promoting the formation of competitive university graduates in the global labor market; deepening the knowledge of polytechnics about other cultures and promoting interethnic understanding.

Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies

Head of Department: Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Mukan Olena

12 Bandera str., Main building, Room 207

Contact person е-mail:

Center for Chinese-Ukrainian Cooperation

Head of the Center: DSc (Econ.), Assoc. Prof. Mykhailo Yastrubskyi

23 Sakharova St., room C4, C5


Phone number(s): (099) 142-49-29

Department for foreign citizens "Kompis"

Head of Department: Lutfor Rahman


Address: Svyatoho Yura Square, 1 Campus 3,Room-129, Lviv, 79000

Phone number(s): (032) 258-02-51

Phone number(s): (032) 258-02-50

Оновлено 2 years 9 months тому