History of the Automatics Computerized Systems Department

The history of the Automatics Computerized Systems Department dates back to 1945. In the course of its existence the Department has been repeatedly renamed. Thus in 1945 it was the Automatics and Telemechanics Department, which was headed by Associate lecturer Neboliubov Yu., who later became the Director of the Kirghiz SSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Automatics. In 1947 the Automatics and Telemechanics Department was merged with the Electrical measurements and Metrology Department and the Electromechanic devices Department was founded.

The newly established Department was headed by one of the leading specialists of the USSR in the field of measuring equipment Professor K. Karandieiev, who later on became the Director of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Automatics and Electrometry. In 1951 the Electromechanic Devices Department was converted to the Automatic and Measuring Devices Department. Reorganization of the Department was caused by the merger of “Automatics and Telemechanics” and “Electric Measuring Devices” scientific fields. However, in 1953 the establishment of the Automatics and Telemechanics Department was again found reasonable. During its reestablishment the faculty of the Department mainly consisted of Professor K. Karandieiev’s students and co-workers, in particular Associate professors Sinitsyna B., Shvetsko B., Bobkova Yu. and Petrovskyi V.

From 1953 to 1954 and from 1956 to 1957 the Department has been headed by one of the leading specialists in the field of signals correlation processing Professor Sinitsyn B. from 1954 to1956 in the course of B. Sinitsyn’s doctoral studies the Automatics and Telemechanics Department was headed by Professor Karandieiev K. The first contractual research works, which the faculty of the Department conducted, began in 1946 and were connected with the control automation of technological processes in oil and gas industry. General supervision of the works initially was carried out by Professor K.Karandieiev and then Associate professor M. Shumylovskyi. From 1960 to 1961 the faculty of the Department under the guidance of Associate professor Yu. Bobkov was conducted contractual research work on the automation of truck-mounted diesel generating power plant with a capacity up to 100 kW, which was classified as the category of particular importance in terms of Ministry of Higher Education Institutions of the USSR.

In 1963 the Department of Mathematical Computing Instruments and Devices was separated from the Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, which was led by the head of the Department Professor B. Svetskyi. Associate professor and Ph.D. Yu. Bobkov was elected as the head of the Department of Automatics and Telemechanics.

In 1963 the Department of Mathematical Computing Instruments and Devices was separated from the Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, which was led by the head of the Department Professor B. Svetskyi. The head of the Department of Automatics and Telemechanics was elected Associate professor and Ph.D. Yu. Bobkov.

The research laboratory RL-15 was organized to conduct research works at the Department, one of its first research work was the development of the digital tachometer. The faculty of the Department constantly carried out the great work on improvement of existing and creation of new educational laboratories and development of methodical support of educational subjects.

The establishment of educational laboratories on the basis of the majority of educational subjects was carried out by the direct participation of students in the process of research papers writing. The final formation of the Automatics and Telemechanics Department was completed in 1972. In 1976 the rector of the Institute and Professor M.Gavryliuk was the head of the Department. Under his guidance the process of equipping of the Department with modern computer technics was done. From 1993 to 2006 the Department has been headed by Professor, Sc.D., honoured inventor of Ukraine V. Dudykevych., under whose guidance a new scientific school on the theory of analysis and impulse-number devices synthesis development was created.

In 2006 on the basis of the Automatics and Telemechanics Department were established two departments: the Automatics Computerized Systems Department which was headed by Professor A.Nakonechnyi and the Information Security Department, the head of which became Professor V.Dudykevych.

During its existence the Department has been developing in educational and research fields, mastering modern achievements of scientific-technical progress in the sphere of technical systems management.

Leading researchers and pedagogues who have been working in recent times at the Department — Professors (M.Havryluk, V.Dudykevych, A.Nakonechnyi, I.Buchma, Z.Mychuda, V.Samotyi), Associate professors (Yu.Bobkov, M.Kirianaki, O.Viter, H.Vlakh, I.Haraniuk, I.Kovela, P.Mokrenko, M.Nakonechnyi, R.Prots) and senior lecturer S.Senchyna made a significant contribution to the development of scientific researches and educational-methodical maintenance of the Department.

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