List of Performed Works

List of performed works:

  1. Certification of buildings complex on Zamarstynivska street 9 and Koroduby street 2 in Lviv “.
  2. Implementation of the project of monolithic reinforced concrete ceilings with effective inserts of the Arena-Lviv stadium
  3. Examination and evaluation of technical condition and bearing capacity of reinforced concrete arched hangar construction in Cherlyany village of Horodok district”.
  4. Implementation of the project of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame of an underground car park and overlapping of buildings with effective inserts of housing and youth complex on Roksoliany street in Lviv.
  5. Development of design solutions of apartment buildings № 4 — № 8 on Bilohirska street in Ternopil.
  6. Implementation of the project of reinforced concrete bridge with effective inserts across the Pinya river in Svalyava district of Transcarpathian region.
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