List of performed works:
- Inspection of the technical condition of the overpass through the railway on km 536 + 468 of the M 06 Kyiv-Chop highway with the development of priority measures to improve its operation.
- Diagnostics of the technical state of the structures of the bases arranged under the cement-concrete flooring of industrial buildings at the factory of on-board electrical systems of the firm “Leony Varying Systems UA” (village Nezhuhiv Stryj district of Lviv region), the factory “Kromberg Schumbert” (Rovanets village, Lutsk district, Volyn (Radekhiv of Lviv region), the plant “Ukrainian Applied Technology” Ltd. (Ivano-Frankivsk), the plant for the production of component systems for automobiles “VET Automotiv Ukraine” Ltd. (Vynohradiv, Zakarpattia region), the plant “JV Rosan Pack” Ltd. (Lviv) for the production of universal packaging made of thermoplastics, the plant “Flekstronix Ltd.” (Mukacheve, Transcarpathian region), buildings of the warehouse-store of building materials “Nova Liniya” (Lviv), the warehouse of finished products. “Vinysin” Ltd. (Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region), shopping centers “Memory” Ltd. (Naukova str. 35, Chervona Kalina Str., Skrypnyk Str. in Lviv).
- Carring out technical examination of the road covering of the test site of the Stryi aerodrome (Grabovets village, Stryi district, Lviv region) for compliance with the requirements of DSTU UN / ECE R 51-02 and ISO 10844: 1994 and the assessment of the technical condition of the airfield runway of the former military Aerodrome “Cherlyany” (Gorodotskyi district of Lviv region).
- Estimation of the strength of the industrial floor covering of the industrial premises of OJA “Elevarometlemmash” (Kharkiv), “Krono-Osmoloda” (Broshniv-Osada village of Rozhnyativskyi district of Ivano-Frankivsk region) and the access road to the territory of the enterprise. VKT “Argo” "(Khotyn, Chernivtsi region).
- Inspection and evaluation of the technical condition of bearing structures of the building of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the development of a conceptual solution for the construction of a dome within the underground space of the building (Lani village of Peremyshlyansky district, Lviv region).