History of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management

The Department of Administrative and Financial Management was established by the order of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University (No.53—10 of March 20, 2011) on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

The need to train specialists in “Financial and Economic Security” and “Administrative Management” was determined by the widespread implementation of such management areas as Management Administration and Financial and Economic Security in the work of industrial and business structures and public administration in the region. Specialists in this sphere must identify directions, develop and implement the latest ideas and technologies in management system, as well as monitor the development of the enterprise, organization or institution.

The Department trains Bachelors in “Public Administration” as well as Masters in specialty 073 “Management” specialization “Management of Financial and Economic Security” and specialty 281 “Public Administration” specialization “Administrative Management” on the basis of basic or complete higher education, regardless of the direction of training and acquired specialty in full-time and extramural education.

The Department trains civil service people. Training is conducted in the specialty “Public Administration” and is only in an extramural form of study.

The training of future managers involves highly qualified academic staff specializing in Management, Business Economics and other fields, as well as well-known researchers, recognized civil service and policy practitioners, including developers of public administration and management reforms who use interactive teaching methods.

Graduates can apply their professional skills at enterprises of different types of economic activities, take part in various projects and programs, as well as join decentralization reforms and work in government.

Academic staff of the Department (16 employees) includes: 1 Doctor of Science (Professor), 9 Candidates of Sciences (5 Associate Professors), 3 Senior Lecturers and 4 Assistants. The Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Nazarii Podolchak. The staff of the Department actively works in educational, methodical and scientific spheres and participates in important regional and national programs of economic development.

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