Admission Procedure for Foreign Citizens

Foreign Citizens

Foreigners who wish to study in Lviv Polytechnic National University need to:

1. Contact International Students Department and inform about their desire to study in University (e-mail:;;;; fax:+380322727863).

2. You have to e-mail the scanned copies of the following documents:

  • passport;
  • photography;
  • certificate on previous education;
  • аpplication form for admission;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;

and wait for the answer about the studying possibilities.

3. Receive the original invitation from University for an interview for further enrollment.

4. Submit documents to the consular office of Ukraine and receive an entry visa.

5. Foreign citizens arriving for study must have with them:

  • a complete set of documents on previous education (originals) with information on the assessment system, according to which the grades are presented;
  • medical certificate issued no later than three months before arrival in Ukraine;
  • medical certificate about false-negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19 done no more than 48 hours prior (this document can be canceled by the appropriate decision of the state authorities of Ukraine);
  • birth certificate.

Prior education documents have been legalized under the law of the country in which they were issued.

The foreign citizen must notify the university in advance after obtaining a visa to study the date of arrival, and flight number to meet them at the airport.

6. Arrive in Ukraine and apply for study with the relevant package of documents or online.

7. Successfully pass interviews on specialized subjects and get positive results.

8. Sign an agreement (contract), which defines the duties and rights of the university and foreigner throughout the term of study.
To pay for 1-year study in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement. Start study on the chosen specialty (specialization).

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