Regulatory documents

University Management

Quality Assurance System of Educational Activities and Higher Education at the University. Academic Integrity


Staffing. State Calculation. Certification Training

Document Name Document information
Regulations on Material Encouragement of Scientific-pedagogical, Pedagogical, Scientific, Engineering-technical Workers and Doctorate Staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.07); Order № 65-1-10 of 11 February 2020 (as amended, Order № 42-1-10 of 10 February 2021; Order № 226-1-10 of 19 April 2021)
Regulations on Awarding Honors of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.04); Order № 194-1-10 of April 16, 2020
Regulations on Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.03) Order № 194-1-10 of April 16, 2020 (as amended, Order № 614‒1‒10 of 27.10.2021)
Temporary Regulations on the Procedure for Planning and Estimating the Effectiveness of the Research and Educational Employees of Lviv Polytechnic National University; Order № 633‒1‒10 of November 3, 2021
Regulations on Professional Development of Research and Teaching Staff at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 265-1-10 of 02 June 2020 (as amended, Order № 654‒1‒10 of 11.11.2021).
Regulations on Competitive Selection of Candidates for Vacant Academic Staff Positions at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 182-1-10 of April 5, 2021 (as amended, Order № 186-1-10 of April 8, 2021; Order № 351-1-10 of June 10, 2021; Order № 13-1- 10 of January 12, 2022).
Regulations on Material Encouragement of Scientific-pedagogical, Pedagogical, Scientific, Engineering-technical Workers and Doctorate Staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.07); Order № 65-1-10 of 11 February 2020 (as amended, Order № 42-1-10 of 10 February 2021; Order № 226-1-10 of 19 April 2021)
Regulations on Awarding Honors of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.04); Order № 194-1-10 of April 16, 2020
Regulations on Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 04.03) Order № 194-1-10 of April 16, 2020 (as amended, Order № 614‒1‒10 of 27.10.2021)
Regulations on Competitive Selection of Candidates for Vacant Academic Staff Positions at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 182-1-10 of April 5, 2021 (as amended, Order № 186-1-10 of April 8, 2021; Order № 351-1-10 of June 10, 2021; Order № 13-1- 10 of January 12, 2022).
Temporary Regulations on the Procedure for Planning and Estimating the Effectiveness of the Research and Educational Employees of Lviv Polytechnic National University; Order № 633‒1‒10 of November 3, 2021
Regulations on Professional Development of Research and Teaching Staff at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 265-1-10 of 02 June 2020 (as amended, Order № 654‒1‒10 of 11.11.2021).

Educational Activities

Forming of a Contingent of Students. Assessment and Recognition of Learning Outcomes. Attestation of Students

Document Name Document information
The Procedure for Re-enrollment (Enrollment) of Academic Disciplines or Other Components of the Curriculum in Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 03.15) Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Regulations on the certification of higher education acquires and the work of examination committees HES LP 03.13., Order No. 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Редакція: Edition 2, Order No. 662-1-10 of December 10, 2020.
Regulations on the Rating of Student Achievement Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Regulations on Organization and Conduct of Summative and Semester Assessment at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Admission Rules at Lviv Polytechnic National University in 2022 (HES LP 03.03.) HES LP 03.03., Order № 192-1-10 of April 15, 2019.
Regulations on Recognition of Learning Outcomes Acquired in Non-formal Education and Informal Learning at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 321-1-10 of July 3, 2020
The Procedure for Re-enrollment (Enrollment) of Academic Disciplines or Other Components of the Curriculum in Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 03.15) Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Regulations on the certification of higher education acquires and the work of examination committees HES LP 03.13., Order No. 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Редакція: Edition 2, Order No. 662-1-10 of December 10, 2020.
Regulations on the Rating of Student Achievement Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Regulations on Organization and Conduct of Summative and Semester Assessment at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 27-1-10 of January 23, 2019
Admission Rules at Lviv Polytechnic National University in 2022 (HES LP 03.03.) HES LP 03.03., Order № 192-1-10 of April 15, 2019.
Regulations on Recognition of Learning Outcomes Acquired in Non-formal Education and Informal Learning at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 321-1-10 of July 3, 2020

Organization of Educational Programs, Curricula, Work Programs of Academic Subjects

Document Name Document information
Regulations on Guarantors of Educational Programs at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 266-1-10 of June 2, 2020
Procedure Regulating the Development and Revision of the Working Program of Academic Discipline Order № 293-1-03 of May 17, 2021
Procedure for Selection of Academic Disciplines by Students of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 01.03). Order № 88-1-10 of 24 February 2020
Regulations on Preparation and Implementation of Students’ Individual Curriculums (HES LP 01.02); Order № 708-1-10 of December 31, 2018.
Редакція: Revision 2, Order № 526-1-03 of September 22, 2021.
Regulations on the Formation, Approval and Updating of Educational Programs (HES LP 01.01) Order № 708-1-10 of December 31, 2018
Редакція: Revision 2, Order № 294-1-03 of May 17, 2021
Regulations on Guarantors of Educational Programs at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 266-1-10 of June 2, 2020
Procedure Regulating the Development and Revision of the Working Program of Academic Discipline Order № 293-1-03 of May 17, 2021
Procedure for Selection of Academic Disciplines by Students of Lviv Polytechnic National University (HES LP 01.03). Order № 88-1-10 of 24 February 2020
Regulations on Preparation and Implementation of Students’ Individual Curriculums (HES LP 01.02); Order № 708-1-10 of December 31, 2018.
Редакція: Revision 2, Order № 526-1-03 of September 22, 2021.
Regulations on the Formation, Approval and Updating of Educational Programs (HES LP 01.01) Order № 708-1-10 of December 31, 2018
Редакція: Revision 2, Order № 294-1-03 of May 17, 2021

Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity

Scientific Work of Students and Youth

Document Name Document information
Regulation on Research Activity of Students at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order 26-1-10 of January 22, 2019
Regulation on Research Activity of Students at Lviv Polytechnic National University Order 26-1-10 of January 22, 2019

Implementation of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities

Document Name Document information
The Publishing Policy of Lviv Polytechnic National University in the Field of Scientific Activities Order № 644-1-10 of December 12, 2023 р.
The Publishing Policy of Lviv Polytechnic National University in the Field of Scientific Activities Order № 644-1-10 of December 12, 2023 р.

International Cooperation

Structural Subdivisions of the University

Document Name Document information
REGULATION on the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University Order № 433-1-10 of August 31, 2018

Labor Organization

Document Name Document information
Internal Regulations of Lviv Polytechnic National University. 17 May 2016