Tech StartUp School will implement a large-scale project on the development of youth entrepreneurship in the Lviv region

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, Lviv Regional State Administration
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The project «Promoting the development of youth entrepreneurship among IDPs» will be implemented by the Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University, within the framework of grant cooperation with the USAID HOVERLA project. Young people will be trained in the following areas: startup development technology, introduction to IT, 3D graphics, robotics, the Internet of Things, drone operation, and biotechnology.

As part of the project, a new specialized educational space for the biotechnology, IT and robotics course will be created with the purchase of the necessary equipment. A robotics laboratory, where one of the bootcamps will be held, will be set up with the involvement of sponsors. All educational material is adapted for young people, and new educational spaces and laboratories will facilitate the practical implementation of projects. The presentation of developments to investors and businesses will make it possible to create a single ecosystem in which 500 young people from different communities of Lviv Region will be taught entrepreneurship.

The StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University, has considerable experience in developing innovative educational programs for young people. Tech StartUp School successfully implemented projects in the field of IT, development of small and medium-sized enterprises and innovations in the agricultural sector, provided local self-government bodies with practical support in the implementation of extracurricular education and entrepreneurship development programs.

Participants in the project is open only to the residents of the Lviv region communities, in particular for IDPs.

To participate in the project, you need to fill out a registration form.

The registration deadline is January 12, 2023.

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For more details, visit the Facebook page of the Department of Education and Science of Lviv region.