Lviv Polytechnic concludes a memorandum of cooperation with the Youth Council at the Regional Military Administration

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The University Vice-Rector Roman Korzh, representatives of student self-government – Anastasiia Kyrychuk, head of the Lviv Polytechnic Students’ Board and Bohdan Mirinchyk head of the Project Department, the Students’ Board and Union of students and postgraduate students, as well as representatives of the Lviv Regional Military Administration: Andrii Panasiuk, adviser to the head of LRSA on youth policy and Bohdan Talatura, head of the Youth Council at the Lviv Regional State Administration (LRSA), took part in the ceremony of signing the document.

– This document actually legitimizes our cooperation, which has been going on for a long time and consists in the active involvement of university students in internships, lectures, participation in the events of state authorities, as well as in the introduction of new initiatives, – comments Vice-Rector Roman Korzh.

Andrii Panasiuk, adviser to the head of LRSA on youth policy, is sure that the Youth Council, Lviv Regional State Administration, is a bridge between young people and the authority, which is to help students realize themselves, gain practical experience, and undergo internships.

– Now we are working on new directions of internships. We also have great partnership experience with Polish youth councils and the management of the Jagiellonian University. And in the future, we will be developing it together. We also do not abandon the idea of student internships in the Verkhovna Rada, which we hope to implement after the war, – sums up Andrii Panasiuk.

All participants shared their plans and intentions for further cooperation.

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