ITRE student became the winner of the Seeds for the Future competition from Huawei and went to PRC

According to the Kompiuternoe Obozrenie journal
логотип Huawei

On October 22, 10 best Ukrainian students who are interested in telecommunications went to the PRC for a two-week internship to study modern information technologies.

Representatives of 10 universities from 6 cities became the winners of the Seeds for the Future competition held by Huawei. In total, 55 senior students from 39 higher education institutions of Ukraine participated in the competition.

Young Ukrainians will visit world-famous historic landmarks in Beijing and get acquainted with local culture and language. After that, they will fly to Shenzhen, Huawei headquarters, where telecommunication courses will be held. In particular, they will study to deploy the fourth generation networks and get acquainted with cloud-based solutions. The internship will last until November 3.

Among the participants of the internship program there is Valentyn Faichuk, a student of the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering of Lviv Polytechnic.