Lviv Polytechnic co-organizes the VIІІ International Conference «Progressive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering»

Conference organizers
учасники конференції

From February 4 to 8, 2019, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas and Lviv Polytechnic National University hold the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference «Progressive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering».

The location of the scientific meeting is comfortable, refined hotel Premium Club in Yaremche city – the most famous resort of Prykarpattia and tourist center of Hutsulshchyna.

The main directions of the conference

  1. Topical issues, development trends, economic and organizational aspects of Mechanical Engineering, engineering education and research.
  2. Progressive technologies of mechanical engineering productions, development, manufacturing and research of mechanical engineering productions.
  3. Progressive technologies of metal machining, methods of shaping and surface strengthening.
  4. Metal-cutting machine tools, technological equipment and tools.
  5. Information technology, computer-aided designing and modeling of the technological processes CAD/CAM/CAE and CALS-technologies in mechanical engineering.
  6. Surface Engineering.
  7. Mechatronic Systems Engineering.

More details are in the conference newsletter.


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